
Joseph Scheer is a Professor of Print Media and Co-Director/Founder of the Institute for Electronic Arts at the School of Art and Design, Alfred University, New York. His current works, which span print media, video and web based projects, use technology to re-examine nature through interpretive collecting and visual recording. His most recent work has been exhibited at The Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York, the National Museum of China, Beijing, and The Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois. A recent show that traveled to four major museums in Sweden was comprised of 100 large format prints. He has published two books about his work: Night Visions, the Secret Designs of Moths and Night Flyers. His work has been written about in over 120 books and periodicals including: National Geographic, five articles in the New York Times, Flaunt, ArtNews, ArtForum, Science, Nature, Seed, Forbes, US Air Attaché, American Photo, DER SPIEGEL, The Chronicle for Higher Education and The Ganzfield. He was recently Fulbright-Garcia Robles Research Scholar in Sonora Mexico.

Joseph Scheer
阿尔弗雷德电子艺术研究院创始人之一 数码版画专业主任、教授

Joseph  Scheer  版画教授,阿尔弗雷德电子艺术研究院创始人之一,他的作品跨越视频、版画、网
码版画。Joseph   Scheer   近期出版了2本画册:《黑夜中的视觉,蛾子身上图案的秘密》、《夜间


Signing prints in Beijing, China 2007

I have called the body of work that I have done over the past decade “Imaging Biodiversity” and it is about seeing the things that live on our planet in a particular intense way. Using extreme resolution, focus and enlargements through scanning and HD Video, have become critical elements of my working process. Recently I spent fourteen months in Sonora Mexico as A Fulbright Garcia Robles research Scholar. Having the ability to work in different cultures and geographies with new plants and animals has developed profound changes in my understanding of the world around us. Being from somewhere else I noticed details in things that are often overlooked or even considered mundane. By handling them in the passionate way, it has brought about a keen interest from the people around me who I have had a pleasure to work with. Also learning their way of seeing and understanding things from their perspective has been a great benefit to me as well and has broadened the entire experience that for always be an inseparable part of my being.

Joseph Scheer的作品既充满幻觉又使人升华,使人近距离观察这些昆虫
Dr. Lisa Fischman 亚利桑那大学美术馆策展人

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