Saturday, September 21, 2013

Night Vision Exhibit Sweden
I found these pics today from when I had 100 framed prints that traveled to four different museums in Sweden.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hymenocallis sonorensis

There was a mass bloom of these in the fields around Yecora in Sonora Mexico last summer.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Hyalophora gloveri siblings

Two fifth instar caterpillars from the same brood from Pinos Altos Mexico. The top specimen is the typical coloration of  the tubercles.  The bottom one appears to be a polymorphic variation suggesting a transition zone? 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sent to Jose at InBio

Lasiocampidae moths from Sonora. Just sent to Jose' Joaquin Montero Ramirez  at InBio in Costa Rica.
He is the Curador acargo de la Colección de Lepidoptera at InBio. A number of years ago he took me on a collecting trip to Tapanti. A fantastic Cloud Forest in Central Costa Rica.